Call mrs. Winkler if you have monies for Pennies for Peace.....Its due now.

Keep looking here for camp updates
May 18, 2010
We have talked about being a Super Troop.... there are many different types of Super troops but they all mean the same thing...a well rounded troop

Here are the guidelines we followed to earn this award.

Super Troop/Group 2009-2010 A Meritorious Award for Excellence

Plan a well-rounded year of Girl Scout troop/group programming, using these requirements as a guide, and receive the Super Troop/Group Award. Membership /retention, leadership & training, Troop Activity completion, Service, Girl Scout Traditions and representation,
The program year begins October 1, 2009 and ends September 30, 2010. Requirements cannot be carried from one year to the next.
1. Register troop by “on time” date / participate in early registration
2: Not applicable to Daisy Troops. Retention Rate: This troop/group has retained 70% of its girl members from one registration year to the next. The girls may either register in the same troop/group or in the troop/group to which they bridge. (Does not apply
to new troops). To figure retention rate, divide the number of girls re-registered by the number of girls registered last year. (Girls who have moved away need not be included).


increased in has increased its membership by adding two or more NEW members. This does
not include girls bridging from one level to another or transferring. Number added:

3. Leaders must have attended applicable level training, must complete 2 of the following:
x Current First Aid Training
x Attend Beginning Camping
x Attend Basic Troop Trips
x Attend other Girl Scout sponsored training

4. This troop/group has a volunteer (ie: cookie manager) different from the troop/group leader. Terese Kourim

5.Set up troop government: Troop kaper charts, Daisy Circle, Brownie Ring, and an Executive Board are a few examples

Troop Programing
You must complete 12 of 20 items in this section, We completed 20 PLUS~~~

1. Artistic: Recycled art project, tissue paper vases,
2. Musical: Learned Wishy washer woman song
3. Cooking: Granola, Camp
4. Cultural, We learned greetings from other countries in etiquette class Learned games from other countries.
5. Science: Animal camp at the zoo,Spring Camp ,
6. Sports: Camp, archery
7. Community Service: Tree decorating, Grocery bag recycle
8. Historical: Learned games played by early brownies
9. learned a new skill,: Archery, Low ropes
10. Family member activity: Investiture/ Year end Picnic
11. Cookie sale program: Our troop participated
12. Additional Fundraising activity for a goal, **Our troop participated in two fundraisers (, one being with another troop)
13. Council run program: Girls participating in summer camp
14. Council patch program, BE TUF.... earned T
15. Attend camp: Fall and Spring
16. Outdoor activity: Community Hike, zoo trip, camp
17. Patriotic activity: Participate in meeting flag ceremonies
18. Recycling/ conservation activity: Bags, Recycled art, Visit to animal shelter
19. Knows the Girl Scout Promise : Every meeting
20. Ceremony: Flag, Investiture

21. Our troop can tell you about the following:
1. A flag ceremony
2. Investiture and/or Rededication ceremony
4. The Girl Scout Quiet Sign
5. The Girl Scout Motto
6. The Girl Scout Friendship Circle

Camp Butternut Springs May 21-23

WOW…. Camp already~

May 21-23 Camp activities begin at 7pm so plan accordingly …especially with the construction going on. Registrations for next years troop will be available. Please bring Check for $24 to GSGCNWI.

Girls who are not attending , please make arrangements to pick up forms and camp activities so that you complete all your badges.

Troop size 15 girls. ( we have 2 girls who might join us from Blythe with Tess~
If someone has expressed an interest in joining, a new troop must be formed., Please have them contact me and I will help get them started. We will have 2 brownie troops already so adding a 3rd will not be that hard. Mrs. Hennelly and I work together and will be happy to make the process as smooth as possible.

May 28th : 6 pm. Kanatas’ home
If you would like to bring a dessert or side, call Wendy

Next years meetings will also be on Tuesdays. A full schedule of dates will go out when the school calendar is complete.

We will be losing 2 of our co leaders------who promised to still be around to help-
Mrs. Kanatas will help out Ana , who will be a Daisy next fall
Mrs. Kowal: will be also be working with the new Daisy troop w/Caroline.
Thank you so much for all you do~~