Thanks to all
the brownies and their parents who came out and helped make Ames PTA Family Family movie night a success. What a great movie and a fantastic turn out.
I'm sure they will be finding popcorn in the farthest corners of the school but we did our best to make sure that the overnight janitor didn't have to work overtime to clean up after us. Remember the Girl Scout motto... Leave a place cleaner than when we found it.
Here a a few photo highlights of the evening.

Ultra Foods was the first site of our field trip. Our girls experience the food pyramid from the viewpoint of a grocery store. Learning the names of various fruits and vegetables that they may not normally eat... Turnips, Brussel sprouts, parsley.
We worked our way around the store and even receive some fried chicken and juice! How many times have you walked by the fresh dinner section and just wish you could take a piece of the chicken siting in the window.
One of our last stops was the Dairy section. Who knew our girls were yogurt efficienatos?
Mrs. Kanatas has offered to share with the girls a lesson on healthy eating habits as a follow up on this field trip. We look forward to hearing what she has to teach us!
A real treat for the girls came in the form of a grocery bag of goodies! Not a bad way to end our trip.
It was a nice way to get our girls out into the public and kick off our "HOME EC" theme. Moms and Dads..... your Brownies are now ready to help you out at the grocery store! or at least help you carry in the bags....
Yours in scouting
Wendy Winkler