Dear Brownie Parents
· Tomorrow is the big day. INVESTUITURE/REDEDICATION please have your brownie there by 6:45 in dress uniform……Beige /brown pants or skirt blue/white shirt brownie Vest
· If you would like to bring a appetizer or dessert please do so , drop me an email
· We will be decorating at 12:30 at Ascension , any parent wishing to help, it would be greatly appreciated.
· Don’t forget your camera… we have made sure that you can get pictures of your Brownie several times in the ceremony and at the end there will be a troop photo opportunity.
· In keeping with our ideals that nothing is wasted. Any desserts or appetizers left at the end of the evening will be brought to the Police department for those serving our community. They love when they see me coming!

From now until February 23rd girls are being asked to collect the plastic grocery bags from neighbors.... family and friends and bring them to be recycled to the next meeting in February. The girl who collects the most will receive a special patch at the investiture Meeting February 26th.

Please join us for our Investiture /Re-dedication ceremony on February 26th 7-8 Ascension Lutheran Church 400 Nuttall Road, Riverside, IL 60546
Girls should be in full uniform
White or blue shirt, Brownie vest and beige or khaki pants/skirt
and be there no later than 6:45.
Please bring a dessert to share.
Please RSVP :
In keeping with our 2010 troop theme we will focus on a recycled art project.
Girls will be asked to create “something” from recycled items from the list.
Their “something” could be an art project, toy, home décor.etc. The sky is the limit.
Their entry must use all 10 of the items in the list, as many as they wish.
In addition, they may use any number of items not in the list as long as they have been recycled.
Entries will be displayed locally TBD.
All entries are due March 23rd.
- Drinking cup
- cardboard
- String
- Newspaper
- Popsicle sticks
- Can
- Egg carton
- Recycled computer paper
- Plastic grocery bag
- straw
Girls who wish to participate must sign up at the website, notify me of sign up, complete participation via the website, and mail me upon completion. Girls will receive a participation patch for the back of their uniform.
iT’S AS EASY AS 1, 2, 3!
1. Plan to count birds for at least 15 minutes on one or more days of the count. You can count for longer than that if you wish! Count birds in as many places and on as many days as you like—one day, two days, or all four days. Submit a separate checklist for each new day. You can also submit more than one checklist per day if you count in other locations on that day.
2. Count the greatest number of individuals of each species that you see together at any one time. You may find it helpful to print out your regional bird checklist to get an idea of the kinds of birds you're likely to see in your area in February. You could take note of the highest number of each species you see on this checklist.
3. When you're finished, enter your results through our web page. You'll see a button marked "Enter Your Checklists!" on the website home page beginning on the first day of the count. It will remain active until the deadline for data submission on March 1st.

Ames Daisies and 2nd gr.Brownies will be sponsoring a Fundraising night.
Flyers will be emailed to all girls to forward to family and friends. Order placed between 3-closing on the 19th with a flyer will qualify in a 15% donation to the Brownies/Daisies.
Girls will be responsible for a specific time period in which they will help bus tables and refill drinks.
Flyers will be available soon.

Camp Butternut Springs
May 21-23
Valparaiso, Indiana
Due to the GREAT cookie sales and and upcoming Buona Night with the Daisies -
there is NO COST for this campout.
We hope everyone can attend as there are some special events planned~